Friday, February 16, 2007

Goal of the Blog

I wanted to create a blog that provided social and political commentary from my point of view, but also gave good website and life tips that I come across. “How is this different from every other blog out there?”

Well, I guess it isn’t, the general idea isn’t that different. What I plan to be different is the content, and eventually, the reader participation in providing material. There are millions of websites out there hosting material, but most of it is junk. I want to provide consistently entertaining and enlightening material.

I have yet to find many websites catering to the twenty something young professional that deal with issues other than entertainment. I.E. – How young professionals view politics, money issues (how do I invest in stocks if I can barely pay the bills and fund my drinking habit?), developing in new jobs, handling relationships, etc.

My goal in life is to be a Renaissance Man. I don’t care to know a lot about a little subject, but I want to know a little about a lot of subjects. I want to have the ability to be placed in any situation and have an intelligent, witty, entertaining conversation. This is what I want the blog to be geared towards, providing fodder for intellectual and social development. Ok, I acknowledge that sounds idealistic and it is a far reaching goal, but it is what it is.

I am starting a list of great websites that I regularly check. Some might be new to you, some of yours might be new to me, so provide feedback! This list is lame at the moment, so help me out.

Daily Sites: – daily great deals on electronic equipment – consistently good videos and games. The funnest, simplist, most addictive game ever is on this site. Search the N-game. – Environmental and political blog. Search “skeptics”. It provides great material on how to talk with global warming skeptics.

Monthly Sites: – I like to live vicariously through Tucker. I have laughed out loud several times reading through his shenanigans. I have several fraternity brothers who would love to live like him, but aren’t as funny or heartless – I am an engineer so I like knowing how things work.


chowgypsy said...

I have a good one, it's called

i'm mature

KingArthur said...

Thank you Meggan, I will add that to my lists of fecal matter humor sites!

HonestAbe said...

are you guys related?

KingArthur said...

Yes, she is my little sister, who is just learing how to type at the tender age of 20. Do you know me? If you don't, you are the first random person to comment my blog!

HonestAbe said...

Yes, I do know you and you know me. Let me give you a little hint; I beat you out in Calc. Honors, but old man Pool split the award between us.