Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Top Ten reasons Anna Nicole was entertaining

Links of the day:

Short movie on a US bomb killing an Iraqi sniper. Pretty cool stuff.

Where do I begin with this one? I am not one to get involved in the daily affairs of celebrities. My mother, much to the chagrin of the rest of the family, has an addiction to The National Enquirer. I am ashamed to say that I used to look at them when she would get them but now all I do is glance at the covers as I check out at the grocery store; usually just to see if there are any new celebrity sex tapes out. But this Anna Nicole Smith story is just too good to shy away from. I mean, let’s look at the top ten reasons Anna Nicole way more entertaining than anything “Days of Our Lives” could even dream of:
1) Her real name is Vickie Lynn Hogan. In keeping with the tradition started by her mother, Vergie Arthur, in naming your daughter the most redneck name you can think of, she named her daugther Dannielynn (one word) Hope Marshall Stern. Note: Last name will probably change.
2) After meeting him while she was a stripper, she married a mummy because he was worth billions
3) She was in a Naked Gun movie and judging from her moral character, probably slept with Leslie Nielson and I am almost 94% positive she slept with Hugh Hefner when she was doing Playboy, which is highly unusual because he usually doesn’t like dumb blonds with big fake breasts
4) She was hot, then became a Miss Piggy look-a-like, then became hot again using a mysterious drug from another planet called TrimSpa
5) She loved painkillers more than TrimSpa, doughnuts, and sleeping with decrepit old men
6) By the age of 3 her now deceased son was able to beat her at the famous game of “Put the shape in the correctly shaped cutout”.
7) Even though she married old guy for the money, she filed for bankruptcy in 1996
8) Her “Lawyer/lover/babydaddy” whose name is Howard Stern –which is fairly ironic because:
a. he kinda resembles the radio star
b. Anna Nicole would make a great guest on the Howard Stern show
- was apparently okay with her being the modern day Whore of Bablyon.
9) 4 men claim to be the father of her child: her old photographer/boyfriend, Howard Stern, her bodyguard, and Zsa Zsa Gabore’s husband
a. This could be 5 if you believe a theory that she froze her old husband’s sperm and made a baby with it
10) She is probably the most famous piece of white trash ever

Spanish Peaks Black Dog Brewing Company makes a delicious Honey Raspberry Ale. I have been searching for a good raspberry beer that isn’t too fruity, and this is it.


bikerchic said...

You know...i think the reason people are so interested in her story is because we're in a culture that has become desensitzed! We're no longer content to hear the minor details of celeb lifesyles..we want more extreme! Anna was a poor soul...she had little self esteem..knew she wasn't too smart..all she had going for her were the oversized boobs, a pretty face, and a very visible,dysunctional lifestlye. Admit it, didn't we all know that she'd end up the way she did? I think that after Daniel died, there just wasn't anyting left.

chowgypsy said...

except, perhaps, for her newly born child

chowgypsy said...
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