Saturday, February 24, 2007

The world we live in

I am going to go ahead and call it, Christopher Walken is going to do a skit on SNL where he plays the judge in the Anna Nicole burial case. If you have seen any clips of the judge, you can see where I am coming from (If you havent seen the clips I am sure you can find them on He goes off on these random rants that are definitely "Walkenesque". I would like to get away from this whole debacle, but unfortunately it is the only thing on TV anymore.

Speaking of crazy, if anyone watches the new "Real World" there is a girl on there who is delusional. She is a spoiled single child who things everyone is crazy except herself. (Here comes me ranting) I can't stand people like this. Wake up and face reality. When everyone in the world seems insane except you, you are usually the insane one.

I saw the "Real World" girls latest outbreak on The Soup on E!, which happens to be an extremely entertaining show. On that same episode is a clip about a family who only eats raw meat and doesn't take showers because they believe that is the healthier way to leave. What the f*ck is wrong with these people? Have they not been following the past 30,000 years of human civilization?

So bottom line to delusional people out there, just vote Christopher Walken President 2008 and everything will work out for you!

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Anna, one more time

Again, sorry for all this Anna-Nicole stuff, but this is just too bizarre for me not to touch:

Why was there no intervention?

I have been wanting to talk about money and investing for someone who is just starting out with not a lot of money. I am going to write a more detailed article in the near future, but for now check out They are a free trading platform. Free! No fees! Bank of America has the same thing, only with one catch: You must have 25K in a savings account with them. If I had that much in spare cash I wouldnt be worrying about free trading. I currently have an E*trade account but they are 12 bucks a trade and charge a $40 dollar inactive fee per quarter! I am just starting the process of opening an account, but this is definitely worth investigating.

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Top Ten reasons Anna Nicole was entertaining

Links of the day:
Short movie on a US bomb killing an Iraqi sniper. Pretty cool stuff.
Where do I begin with this one? I am not one to get involved in the daily affairs of celebrities. My mother, much to the chagrin of the rest of the family, has an addiction to The National Enquirer. I am ashamed to say that I used to look at them when she would get them but now all I do is glance at the covers as I check out at the grocery store; usually just to see if there are any new celebrity sex tapes out. But this Anna Nicole Smith story is just too good to shy away from. I mean, let’s look at the top ten reasons Anna Nicole way more entertaining than anything “Days of Our Lives” could even dream of:
1) Her real name is Vickie Lynn Hogan. In keeping with the tradition started by her mother, Vergie Arthur, in naming your daughter the most redneck name you can think of, she named her daugther Dannielynn (one word) Hope Marshall Stern. Note: Last name will probably change.
2) After meeting him while she was a stripper, she married a mummy because he was worth billions
3) She was in a Naked Gun movie and judging from her moral character, probably slept with Leslie Nielson and I am almost 94% positive she slept with Hugh Hefner when she was doing Playboy, which is highly unusual because he usually doesn’t like dumb blonds with big fake breasts
4) She was hot, then became a Miss Piggy look-a-like, then became hot again using a mysterious drug from another planet called TrimSpa
5) She loved painkillers more than TrimSpa, doughnuts, and sleeping with decrepit old men
6) By the age of 3 her now deceased son was able to beat her at the famous game of “Put the shape in the correctly shaped cutout”.
7) Even though she married old guy for the money, she filed for bankruptcy in 1996
8) Her “Lawyer/lover/babydaddy” whose name is Howard Stern –which is fairly ironic because:
a. he kinda resembles the radio star
b. Anna Nicole would make a great guest on the Howard Stern show
- was apparently okay with her being the modern day Whore of Bablyon.
9) 4 men claim to be the father of her child: her old photographer/boyfriend, Howard Stern, her bodyguard, and Zsa Zsa Gabore’s husband
a. This could be 5 if you believe a theory that she froze her old husband’s sperm and made a baby with it
10) She is probably the most famous piece of white trash ever

Spanish Peaks Black Dog Brewing Company makes a delicious Honey Raspberry Ale. I have been searching for a good raspberry beer that isn’t too fruity, and this is it.

Monday, February 19, 2007


In the past 2 years I have gone from calling myself a Democrat to a Moderate. There are several reasons for this, but one of them is John McCain. I especially like this article from CNN. Rumsfield was a bigger failure than George Bush. I blame Bush for not accepting his resignation the times he had offered it before he finally left office. It was one of the many leadership-farts (very similar to a brain-fart but pertaining to leadership) that Bush has exhibited over his Presidency. Of course, the biggest leaderhip-fart was his response to the news that the World Trade Centers had been bombed, but I digress, and I am sure I will get around to blogging about this one later.

Bush keeping Rumsfield as the Secretary of State was almost as bad as Chan Gailey keeping Reggie Ball Georgia Tech's starter this past season. This was evinced when all of our receivers had record games when Reggie Ball didn't start.

Why has the American public been so incapable of acknowlidging leadership failures? Which brings my back to McCain. While I probably dont agree with him on every issue, such as his recent courtship with the conservatives (hey, I know it's politics), I believe he is a leader. Of all the potential men/women running for 2008, he is the one I would chose to follow into battle if I had to. I can't say that about Hillary, which is why I am not inclined to vote for her. Guliani or Obama, possibly, but right now, my man is McCain.

Saturday, February 17, 2007

What is wrong with Britney?

At one point in time I felt bad for Britney Spears for always being hounded by the media. That point was a long, long time ago. It was probably right around the time I still thought she was hot. I don't know what this new head-shaving thing is, but I am convinced she needs some medical help. This "woman" just had two children within the past year and a half and has been partying ever since her and her ex-husband, whose career highlight was playing a fry-maker in a super bowl commercial, divorced. By the way, who didn't see that happening. They got married in velour jumpsuits!
If any other new mother was acting the way she was they would have their children taken away by social services.
There is a theory out there that there is no such thing as bad publicity, but "celebrities" such as Britney and Paris and Lohan are doing a great job to prove this theory false. They already have millions, but apparently at some point along the way their self-dignity lost all of its' value.
More to come on the late Anna Nicole.....

Friday, February 16, 2007

Goal of the Blog

I wanted to create a blog that provided social and political commentary from my point of view, but also gave good website and life tips that I come across. “How is this different from every other blog out there?”

Well, I guess it isn’t, the general idea isn’t that different. What I plan to be different is the content, and eventually, the reader participation in providing material. There are millions of websites out there hosting material, but most of it is junk. I want to provide consistently entertaining and enlightening material.

I have yet to find many websites catering to the twenty something young professional that deal with issues other than entertainment. I.E. – How young professionals view politics, money issues (how do I invest in stocks if I can barely pay the bills and fund my drinking habit?), developing in new jobs, handling relationships, etc.

My goal in life is to be a Renaissance Man. I don’t care to know a lot about a little subject, but I want to know a little about a lot of subjects. I want to have the ability to be placed in any situation and have an intelligent, witty, entertaining conversation. This is what I want the blog to be geared towards, providing fodder for intellectual and social development. Ok, I acknowledge that sounds idealistic and it is a far reaching goal, but it is what it is.

I am starting a list of great websites that I regularly check. Some might be new to you, some of yours might be new to me, so provide feedback! This list is lame at the moment, so help me out.

Daily Sites: – daily great deals on electronic equipment – consistently good videos and games. The funnest, simplist, most addictive game ever is on this site. Search the N-game. – Environmental and political blog. Search “skeptics”. It provides great material on how to talk with global warming skeptics.

Monthly Sites: – I like to live vicariously through Tucker. I have laughed out loud several times reading through his shenanigans. I have several fraternity brothers who would love to live like him, but aren’t as funny or heartless – I am an engineer so I like knowing how things work.

Global Warming, the efficient truth

Global warming is one of the most complex scientific/political subjects being discussed today. Is it caused by anthropogenic forces, solar flares, Earth’s natural patterns? What are the solutions? Do there need to be solutions?

There are many scientific papers supporting or deriding the theory that man is causing the Earth to warm up. There has been serious debate on the topic for almost 20 years now. Politicians have used the topic to rally their constituents; whether they are environmentalists from Seattle or oil men from Houston. Some say that carbon dioxide needs to be reduced drastically to save the planet while others say that no action needs to be taken and business should continue as usual.

People on both sides of the argument are so caught up in championing their cause that they are unable to see the forest through the trees. Whether you believe Global Warming is being caused by man or not, there is an initial solution out there that benefits everyone (everyone unless you work for Big Coal, belong to OPEC, or benefit in any way from the current energy status quo). The current solution doesn’t require billions of dollars to implement. The first step to solving this problem is simply to foster the idea that energy efficiency and clean energy benefits the United States of America. It is so mind-bogglingly simple, yet it is this vital tipping point in American thinking that must happen before any substantial gains can occur.

There are skeptics reading this saying, “I’ve heard this before. I lived through the 70’s. I listened to Jimmy Carter. Blah Blah Blah.” This pig-headedness is the reason that America’s economy is held hostage by the fluctuations in the price of oil, it is why we are fighting a war in Iraq, it is why you can see brown air in many of our cities, and it is why the billions of tons of carbon dioxide currently spilling into the atmosphere may be the reason your children or grandchildren laugh at your ignorance on their way to the zoo to see the only known polar bear in existence.

Here is what is so confounding to me: The steps needed to lower the effects of Global Warming are the same things that enable us to finally break away from the grip of Saudi Arabia’s oil fields and they are the same things that allows kids with asthma living in big cities to be able to play outside in the heat of summer; yet Global Warming skeptics are so adamant with their denial to one topic, that they fail to see how implementing its’ solution benefits America as a whole.

As a society, we are the most wasteful on this planet. We waste energy like it is our God given right. This attitude must be replaced with one that preaches efficiency. You see, even if Global Warming is some environmentalist hoopla - as Michael Crichton would have us believe - the change in mindset needed to reduce this potential threat to humanity will benefit America in ways that average citizens have yet to realize. Continuing to insist that the status quo is adequate is a failure of foresight and a foolish mistake causing irreparable damage to this great country.

Thursday, February 15, 2007

The Original

Why am I finally joining the masses and starting a blog?
I'm not that great of a writer, in fact, I became an engineer so I wouldn't have to write in college. As you may find out my grammar is usually improvised.
I am not looking for something to keep be occupied. I just graduated college and started a full time job. Life is keeping me fairly busy at the moment.
And I don't have some passionate interest about some stupid obscure trinket that I want to tell the world about.
I guess it boils down to a person's need to feel important, to be heard. I have friends, family, a girlfriend, etc., that I can talk to, but they have all heard my thoughts thousands of times over (the amount of times they have heard me speak on worldly matters is in direct correlation to the amount of beers they have had with me).

I am just fed up with feeling like a pawn, like everything on Earth has some impact on my life, yet I have no impact on anything. I am not jaded or distraught. I am not depressed at all. I just want to throw my thoughts to cyberspace and let other ponder over what I have to say for once......