Thursday, March 1, 2007

400 lb girl

Over the past few days there have been several link about severely fat kids. This one,,
is a 400 lb 7 year old! There was another one on CNN,, about a 200 lb 8 year old.

Now some people will argue, "It's genetic!", but in the video she is seen eating macaroni and cheese and asking for popcorn. The Enlish boy eats 4 bags of potato chips a day as snack and has a whole pizza for lunch.

What the hell is wrong with these parents? If your kid is fat, not just a little hefty - which is fairly normal - but FAT, dont feed them unhealthy food! It is that simple. They say their kids are hungry. Here's a hint: Bananas or apples, granola, and salads with whole wheat bread on the side all help to cure hunger. I am astonished with fat people out there who claim they cant lose wait, but then go eat fast food. The next time you hear someone complaining that they cant lose wait ask them how many miles they run a day or how healthy they eat, ei cutting out fried foods. If they say they dont have time, say, "It's not that you cant lose wait, its that you aren't willing to try."

I am not writing about people who are slightly overweight, I am talking about the people who are in danger of getting diabetes or heart disease, dying because they are so fat. Society is scared to really address this topic because it is afraid it will hurt fat peoples feelings, because of this these people dont really grasp the severity in which they hurt their chances of having a long, enjoyable life.

Bottom Line: If you are very fat, or you have a kid that is very fat, stop making excuses! Eat healthy, exercise, and lose the wait. If you dont want to do that I guess you can just pick the other option and shorten your lifespan.


chowgypsy said...

ha, i was just ranting about this today, actually. The person listening did make a point though about how a lot of people just don't have the drive or the self-love to do it, and then it just turns into this vicious cycle. But, yeah. i have a problem being empathetic enough to the point where I'll stop saying "well fucking be strict with yourself for one week and you'll already love yourself more"

HonestAbe said...

I can't understand why the parents are letting their children get like this. If they do have a disease that makes them feel like they are hungry all the time, or that they need more food, will anything bad happen to them if they don't get the food they don't need? Will they wither away and die? I don't think so. Don't get me wrong, my heart goes out to them, but just the children, not the parents. Doesn't it seem that for every problem we have, scientist come up with an explanation that justifies having the problem. Does that make sense? This should be the next topic of discussion.