Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Letter to Congressman

Below is my first letter to my Congressman

Mr. Lewis,

I've always had a goal to write a congressman and I am accomplishing it today. I am a recent grad. of Georgia Tech living in Atlanta. Since graduating a year ago my hobbies have shifted from playing video games and drinking beer to earning a living and understanding politics. I am troubled by much of what I hear in the political spectrum because much of it is irrelevant. The topics of gay marriage, abortion, and religion in schools pale in comparison to the threats that environmental negligence, illegal immigration, education reform, growing national debt and radical Islam pose to this country.

After reading an article by Lou Dobbs today ( I began to wonder who in Congress is ensuring that the average American is not being strung around by special interest groups. The question is this: What is Congress doing to ensure that the vocal concerns of the minority (special interest groups) are not drowning out the growing grumblings of the majority?


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